Bordering on Insanity
Actually there is no “bordering on” about it when you’re talking Biden’s border policy because there isn’t any border anymore.
Humans—at least some of them—are insane. Why would you ever let a rabid fiend like this guy into your country even for a visit, much less let him migrate here?
Watch and listen to this TikTocker’s video in the highlighted headline below as he spits out his venom, telling his followers how to take over and possess unoccupied US homes by invoking stupid American squatters rights. (Really squatters rights in someone’s house Why do we allow that for ANYONE?) He says it is his new business here in the US, and he probably doesn’t even have a business license or pay taxes on his business, and probably doesn’t even have a visa to stay here … based on the things he says to his followers. He’s full of so much vitriol, you feel like he’s spitting all over Americans while acting entitled to have anything of theirs he wants, including their homes.
Next, look at the people in this video in the headlines below as an army of truly hostile aliens storms the border, tearing down razor wire l and knocking their way past border guards. Why are they not being shot on the spot? If you are this vile and this determined that you have a right to cross another nation’s border with no approval whatsoever, why on earth would that nation even think of treating you as anything other than an invading military force? You’re acting like one”
These people in the video in the next article are openly hostile toward our own border patrol, acting completely like this is their country and they will come-the-hell here whether we will allow it or not! Just get out of our way, and give us your country. And of course we will because Biden will. The border patrol should, in the absolute least, be hosing them down with water cannons, shooting them with rubber bullets or rock salt and gassing them with tear gas. But these arrogant anarchists run right on by the Biden border. It’s a disgrace.
And why on earth would you not think those people who will be this hostile at our border are not the ones that would be equally hostile at your doorstep, laying claim to an unoccupied home (such as a rental or vacation home) you might own. Why on earth would you think they will not far more readily try to knock you down than they do armed border guards?
Of course, they know the Biden Border Patrol will never use their arms against them.
When they are this openly hostile, why would you think they are not the very kinds of para-military and terrorist people and drug cartels that numerous “conspiracy” stories have warned of?
Why would you take them to be less hostile and harmful than Donald Trump says they are? These are the kind he’s talking about.
The answer is that you read this site; so, I’m preaching to the choir, but there are plenty of Bidenistas in government who seem to think this is what we should tolerate out of the generosity of our own hearts.
I say find better friends.
(Sources for the videos referenced above are available in the highlighted articles for paid subscribers below:)