Is a European Superstate under German Dominance the Hidden Goal of the Euro Plan?

The London-based Telegraph today reports a German memo that sets out major expansion plans for centralized EU powers in Brussels over individual European nations.
"An intrusive European body with the power to take over the economies of struggling nations should be set up to tackle the eurozone crisis, according to a leaked German government document."
Is Germany exploiting the euro crisis to create a European superstate under German control?
According to The Telegraph the memo from the German foreign office argues that the largest nations in the E.U., which are providing major financial support, should have the right and ability to take over the economies of other European nations that are struggling. Germany plans to create a more stable union by exerting full economic control over unstable nations. Germany has already been pushing for taxes set in Brussels over all the European Union.
The idea of a European super state controlled by Brussels with the largest economy (Germany) having the greatest control over smaller states may bring shivers of a Fourth Reich to some. The desire for some sort of European stability mechanism (ESM) is natural and understandable in that those giving the most money will always want more control over the outcome so that their money is not wasted or so that they don't have to later poor good money after bad. However, it is a maxim that where the money is, the power is, and the money in the Eurozone is clearly in Germany. Europe is begging for Germany's money, and money does not flow without power flowing with it. That's an economic truth.
Thus, it should be no surprise that, under Germany's proposed euro plan, the European Monetary Fund (EMF) would be able to take full economic control over failing countries such as Greece and Italy. When, however, does full economic control not essentially means full control of everything, for what in government does not run by money? Under the German plan to resolve the European economic crisis, as revealed in the memo, bailouts will come with strings attached that give more authority specifically to Germany, Finland, Austria and the Netherlands. Is this a case of Germany exploiting a serious crisis, like the euro crisis, in order to expand its power again in Europe. Is there an endless German lust for European dominance, or is it just the reasonable assumption of guidance over countries that clearly do not know how to manage their finances as a condition for giving them free money?
It has always been inevitable in this writer's mind that the E.U. would need more centralized control, especially economic control, if it was going to hold together as an economic union. Richer nations will not suffer indefinitely the downward pull of austerity on their own citizens that comes from struggling nations that seem less able to govern themselves in economically prudent ways. The desire for prudent-minded Germans to take more control and make things work "right" may be overwhelming. Clearly they know what they are doing, as their own economy has been the star of Europe. It is almost inevitable that they will think others ought to step to their march if they are to have the same success.
As Germany seems understandably reluctant to give more money to foundering nations, it may be all of this is just a strong feeling of a need to safeguard any German investment in Europe's salvation. Nevertheless, the end result of this crisis will almost certainly be greater German power over Europe. (Another prediction made here and now on The Great Recession Blog.) It almost has to play out that way because Germany needs to be the main financial savior, and people do not give money without controls over their money. Of course, another possibility is that the whole Eurozone collapses, and Germany is sucked down with it.
The leaked document is titled "The Future of the EU: Required Integration Policy Improvements for the Creation of a Stability Union."
The rise of German control among the European states
The newly revealed German plan strengthens Europe's economic stability fund by giving it power to take the weaker failing nations of Europe into receivership and running those nations until they are again solvent.
What raises a little more fear with regard to this particular European stabilization mechanism is that the memo states all of this is a "first stage" for a greater political union in Europe: "The debate on the way towards a political union must begin as soon as the course toward stability union is charted." The European Union's course over the decades has consistently displayed a repressed desire to form an "E.U. Superstate."
Stephen Booth a research director at a European think tank said last night that the German master plan "would be the first step towards a vision of 'political union’ that would have major consequences for the future of the entire EU."
There is nothing like a massive crisis to create opportunity to be seized for equally massive political change by those who are able. Power will flow along the same lines of current as money. So, with Germany increasingly being asked to pick up the load, it's not hard to decipher where the power will concentrate. This is a crisis that Merkel has said is Europe's most difficult crisis since World War II. Merkel has also said she sees "more Europe" as the solution. That was also was the solution to Europe's problems under the Austrian Empire run by the Habsburg dynasty. Europe has always been pulled between those who want more central control over all nations and those who simply want national cooperation.
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