It's a Mad World that Is Transitioning to a Worse World Quickly
Boy becomes girl becomes dog becomes Zygorg
It is no wonder Russell Brand is going off this week about “stunning UFO bodycam footage” showing entities that are “100% not human.” Maybe these alien travelers are all just earth-born, time-travelers from a not-too-distant, trans-human future. The present certainly looks like it is headed that way.
In the news just this week we saw a children’s book designed to help little children understand how daddy is having a baby from his new womb. In today’s headlines, sorority sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma are protesting the first induction into their sorority of a person born male who has been converted into what is supposedly a 6’-2” female, showering and towering alongside them, a full head taller than they are.
And from California, the state of endless confusion and secession battles — because so many who are still human want to leave it — and of locked-down stores where half the items that are as boring as shampoo require an attendant to unlock the display and take the high-risk, shop-lift item to the register for you because un-copped, unhinged CA society is that far out of control … we have a headline about a GOP legislator who is advising that — if you still love your children — get the heck out of the state while you still have them!
His advice is reasonable, all things considered, because new legislation passing through the state will strip your children away from you because of your terrorist tendencies if you do not approve of your child’s gender-transition wishes … or what used to be your child, but is apparently now the state’s child since it is the state’s right to enforce a minor boy’s decision to become a girl upon what you wrongly thought was your family; and you are evil if you disagree with Woke Wonderland!
How ON EARTH did the world become so insane so rapidly? US society is now living under threats from those who insist we all say the naked emperor is wearing splendid new clothes — even to such a level that he is now a towering 6’-2” heavy-boned, muscular female, possibly with artifact body parts that have not completed transitioning. And this is normal! You are required to accept that. Get stripped of your children if you don’t!
Once upon a time, I grew up in a world where I truly do not remember a single child ever questioning if they were a boy or a girl. It was accepted without a single heart-beat of concern. It was not the years of heart-pounding, anxiety-causing decision-making that all schoolchildren are pressed to ponder these days. I suppose a few secretly did wonder what they were, but most showed no signs of such questioning at all. It must have been very few because it never even occurred to any of us to talk about it as if it was even a thing. Mom and dad and our doctor all said we were a boy or girl based on biology, and that was simple enough. It was not any more of a question in our minds than whether we were humans or dogs.
I mean, how do you know if you are dog if you cannot know if you are a boy because your body lies to your brain? If you CANNOT tell just by looking at your body because your body might be deranged and not your mind and you feel like you might possibly be a girl/woman in the wrong body because mom, dad, your doctor, the school principle, and your state legislators all told you that you simply cannot know you are male or female by looking down … then how can you tell whether or not you are a human or a dog (if it happens that you feel like you might be dog)? You are what you feel, society now says.
Little does Wokeworld see (for now) that also means, to be consistent, you cannot know if you are Black or White, given that you can more easily and with far less pain change skin color and nose profiles like Michael Jackson did than achieve gender transformation. After all, male/female is a far bigger biological difference at all levels than race. So, if you cannot tell what gender you are by looking, you certainly cannot tell what race you are by looking. You simply are whatever race you decide you are … and all the rest of us must accept that … if Wonderland and its upside-down pronouns are to have any consistency at all, but what room does insanity have for consistency in thought?
Of course, it is actually physically impossible to transition and far more probable that your mental programming is in error than for your hard-wiring to be wrong — software easily being as buggy in its programming as it is known throughout the world to be — even among human beings (or those who once routinely believed they were human beings but will soon be told by the state they must question that, too). That will be when earth parents are told that, if their teen wants to transition into a Zygorg because that is what xhe believes xhe is, then the parents must let them get the necessary skull-drilling antenna implants to complete the transition, or the parents are evil, teen terrorizers.
“Wait!” the Lunatic Left yells! “You just said it is physically impossible to transition!” That’s right, Lunatics. It is IMPOSSIBLE. Though you perform cosmetic surgeries and organ transplants and various mutilations to remove all vestiges of your former identity, you cannot change the deep programming. You cannot convert your chromosomes to male or female pairs from whatever they began as, so every cell in your body still screams its original mapping of what you originally were in contrast to what you pretend you have become.
Having transitioned, you cannot ever truly mate with the opposite sex as true genders can and cast off humans who are half you and half your spouse because your chromosomes won’t allow it. You can engage in some sterile petri-dish sex and come up with an implant for your newly installed uterus, but the outcome will never be half you if you are a man who became a woman who married a man who was always a man. The two sets of male chromosomes will not align any more than your stars apparently did when you were born. You’ll have to borrow a set.
You also cannot change your brain from a male brain to a female brain. Yes, there is a difference. Female brains generally have a lot more connections across the corpus callosum than male brains, which psychologists have surmised may be why females are more intuitive than males because they have more traffic between the left and right halves, while it also may be why males are more able to compartmentalize or why females are more prone to struggle with complex emotional churning. Regardless, there are physical brain differences you cannot change.
You also cannot change the fact — now that you want to enter female sports as a former male — that, after years of development, you have a decided advantage in women’s basketball because you already developed to be a head taller and to have longer arms during your male caterpillar phase prior to shedding your former cocoon or an advantage in swimming because you already have longer male legs and larger flippers. You cannot change your hard-wired male bone structure … unless, of course, you get all your transition surgeries and chemical-saturation treatments while you are a toddler. Coming soon.
Our country has rapidly devolved into a wasteland of insanity by engaging in a nationwide game of tormenting children’s minds (and bodies with grave pain) by telling all of them they can be what, in fact, they can never be and then all pretending the full transition actually happened … just like the foolish citizens in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Then you act as if you (if you’re among the woke) did the children some kindness by making them all struggle more than any group of kids in history with mind-bending existential questions about their own being that even you cannot give them solid answers for! You are actually the cruel terrorizer of children!
(Headlines for today’s editorial appear in boldface type below.)