If you’ve been sitting on the fence as a free subscriber to The Daily Doom, here is a rare opportunity to stretch those wings and fly with a big discount on the news that doesn’t just parrot what everyone else in the media says. Not only have I lowered the regular monthly price to a never-before-seen $9/mo, but I am also, for the next week, offering a New Year’s sale where you can get started in a full subscription at 20% off the new regular price. What could be less gloomy and doomy than that?
That’s right: for just $7.20 a month, you can get “the news before it happens” via my editorials on the economy or on other news of the day plus get all the concentrated headlines each day that accompany each editorial plus get my weekend Deeper Dive where I typically give out my predictions for the year first (and sometimes only). The paywall completely disappears for $7.20 a month, so you get it all unrestricted.
And the best part, if you’re still unsure, is that you don’t have to commit to a full year. You can take the monthly discount a month at a time for an entire year if you sign up now on a monthly basis and can, then, drop out on any month you want to if you don’t feel you’re getting seven bucks worth of concentrated news and insight each month. You get all of that while actually supporting writing that doesn’t just mindlessly mimic what the other bird-brained media are all saying.
How you could possibly think you’re not getting seven bucks worth of my colorful clucks for an entire month, I don’t know; but, hey, some people actually think the Democratic party or Republican Party will save the United States from years of profligate spending and wars that the Democrats and Republicans spent decades creating! Now, that’s funny! So, I guess people can think anything.
I rarely ever offer a sale, but now you can enter the new year right by making sure you have access to all the concentrated news and views in order to follow the bends in the trends throughout the year. Happy New Year to everyone; and thanks to those who have been supporters all along. If you’ve been on the fence about subscribing to or supporting something that darkly calls itself The Daily Doom, here is something to lower your inertia and lift your spirits:
(Note that Substack sales only work for those who are not already paying subscribers. That’s just how their system works, and I have no control over that—not that I’d want to encourage others to discount what they’ve been paying, but just to let you know I can’t even if I did and to keep you from making the mistake of unsubscribing in order to resubscribe at the sale price by letting you know Substack automatically locks you out of this site if you do try to circumvent their system like that, and there is nothing I can do about that either.)
So, take a chance and fly for a whole year at the lowest price you’ll ever see, and you don’t even have to pay for the whole year up front, so you can simply drop out at any time. Leap off the fence and fly:
I will continue to pay yearly subscription and if you ever decide to call it quits please do not reimburse me. You can retire in style with the proceeds. 😅😅
David, I paid $100 last year. When do I owe the $79.??.
Happy New Year!!
John Winner