Jim Quinn: It’s Not Safe or Effective
Dr. Grauci has just declared that, if we had the Covid pandemic to do all over again, he would be FAR more severe in cutting off your basic rights: "FAUCI: Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’ If We Could Do Again…" As if that isn't disturbing enough, DR. Birx said this week that she always knew the vaccines would not work: "Dr. Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines wouldn’t ‘protect against infection’." Author Jim Quinn, who has been routinely censored by Google (as have I) over things written about Covid, continues to spread stark truth in the face of these liars and creepy fascist controllers:
by Jim Quinn on The Burning Platform:
Christian Szell: Is it safe?
Babe: I don’t know what you mean. I can’t tell you something’s safe or not, unless I know specifically what you’re talking about.
Christian Szell: Is it safe?
Babe: Tell me what the “it†refers to.
Christian Szell: Is it safe?
Babe: Yes, it’s safe, it’s very safe, it’s so safe you wouldn’t believe it.
Christian Szell: Is it safe?
Babe: No. It’s not safe, it’s… very dangerous, be careful.
Marathon Man debuted in 1976, so a majority of people have probably never seen this movie or this terrifyingly sadistic scene. Szell is trying to make sure his bounty of diamonds obtained from his days at Auschwitz are safe. Babe has no idea what Szell is talking about. He is just trying to survive. But Szell drills into Babe’s tooth until he hits a live nerve, generating excruciating pain, before Babe escapes and outruns his pursuers. That scene has always stuck in my brain, and it strikes me as having enormous relevance in the wake of events over the last two years.
Szell probes Babe’s mouth until he finds a cavity and jams his instrument into it causing tremendous pain. He then then puts oil of clove on the tooth and it relieves the pain. He then states, “relief is comfortâ€. That is a perfect analogy to this covid cavity scheme. The powers that be lockdown the world, destroying small businesses and putting tens of millions out of work, then throw some stimmies and unemployment payments at those they have hurt and say, “relief is comfortâ€. Then they proceed to drill into a live nerve as their next act.
The term “safe†has been bandied about with reckless abandon by our overlords, as they have sold the world a false bill of goods with these mRNA poison injections. Whenever I hear their putrid propaganda spewed by some athlete, Hollywood liberal, MSM bimbo “journalistâ€, or paid off medical shill, that the vaccines are “safe and effective†it’s like Szell drilling into a live nerve in my tooth. I want to scream in terror and make a run for it. I think our beloved mass murderer – Fauci – fits the bill as the Szell character in this story of corruption, deceit, greed, murder, and obfuscation.
Fauci is the highest paid government weasel on the planet; takes kickbacks from the drug companies for pushing their products; funded the bio-weapon released on the world in late 2019; has lied and deceived about the origins, effectiveness, and safety of the jabs; has effectively murdered hundreds of thousands by his actions; suppressed the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine because they worked and would eliminate the need for an EUA for the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J jabs; and continues to fear monger about a virus that is no worse than a bad cold for 99% of the people who catch it.
This corrupt soulless apparatchik is the self-promoting egomaniacal villain is this dystopian thriller. This grifter cut his teeth by utterly screwing up the government response to the AIDs crisis, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands due to his pushing of the wrong treatment protocol, just like his fatal promotion of remdesivir as an effective treatment for Covid during this scamdemic. There is a good reason its nickname is “Run, Death is Nearâ€.
It boggles the mind that this bootlicking troll with a Napoleon complex could be so wrong about every aspect of this pandemic he caused and is still touted as a “health expertâ€, spending his days spouting false narratives on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox. He has lied to Congress multiple times. He should be in a prison cell awaiting execution for mass murder but is poised to collect the largest government pension in history.
Mass murderer Fauci, along with the dementia patient (with Covid after 4 jabs) in the White House, lying shrew Walensky, backstabbing Birx, a slew of other Big Pharma medical expert prostitutes, and every low IQ media personality getting paid off by the plandemic posse, unequivocally declared these untested DNA altering concoctions to be “safe and effectiveâ€. These people have been lying from day one of this farce.
We are lost in a blizzard of lies and their response has been to double down and lie bigger. Let’s review the long and ongoing stream of bullshit our overlords have prorammed into the non-critical thinking brains of the ignorant masses, knowing their Bernays mind control methods of fear would mold, manipulate, and lead the majority to believe their provably false narratives.
Biden, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the left-wing coup cabal screeched in horror, calling Trump a xenophobe for shutting down travel from China, when that was the most rational, safe, and effective method to “slow the spreadâ€. Destroying Trump was always the motive behind this plandemic and the mail-in ballot fraud couldn’t have happened without the China flu.
Fauci and his co-conspirators immediately blamed bats from a Chinese wet market as the cause of the outbreak, knowing full well it came from the Wuhan bio-weapon lab that he was funding illegally through 3rdparties. The co-opted MSM and social media tyrants banned anyone (Zero Hedge) who even proposed the Wuhan lab as the source. Fauci initially told the public not to panic during January and February, appearing on 60 Minutes and scoffing at lockdowns and masks. It was only when it became clear his funding of the Wuhan lab through Peter Daszak created the disaster did he do an about face, pushing for lockdowns, masking, and all the other worthless hoopla to distract from his guilt in killing millions.
Every method of “stopping the spread†sold to the masses as effective has proven to 100% ineffective. They made up the 6-foot distancing based on some grade school kid’s class project. The idiocy of one-way aisles in retail stores was mind bogglingly stupid and useless. The perpetuation of the lie masks would or could stop the spread of a microscopic virus continues to this day. Mask mandates failed miserably. The CDC and Fauci knew masks didn’t work. We have studies and interviews with Fauci on tape saying so. Hard data from cities, states, and countries across the world prove beyond a doubt masks are useless. They were used as a control mechanism and virtue signaling technique to provoke fear in the sheep-like masses and make them easier to corral. Millions of brainless zombies across the land continue to mask every day, with no mandates requiring them to.
The fallacy that shutting down every business in the country would stop a virus was pure deception. The fact was our financial system started to seize up in September 2019 when overnight repo rates soared to 10%. The Fed knew a financial crisis was imminent and began cutting rates and restarted QE. This fake pandemic was the perfect cover for them to print trillions of dollars and for the government to hand out billions in freebees to freeloaders and those that couldn’t work due to their mandatory lockdowns. Lockdowns failed to stop the virus but did provide cover for a failing financial system. The raging inflation today is solely the fault of these central bankers printing trillions to support the spending by corrupt politicians. All built on lies.
Now we come to the supposed miracle vaccines, developed at warp speed by Big Pharma in a matter of months. This is where the back peddling and revisionist history has reached epic levels of disinformation and bold-faced lies. These experimental gene therapies were sold to the public as 95% effective in keeping you from getting Covid. This was proclaimed loudly and without a doubt by Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Trump, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Biden and all the feckless media prostitutes getting tens of millions from Big Pharma and Big Gov to do so. You were told if you got these vaxxes, you would not contract, spread, be hospitalized, or die from this virus. All lies. Birx has admitted to lying this week on Fox News. These supposed miracle cures have proven to be worthless. Then the story changed. If you got the booster, you would be protected. False claim. Then the second booster. Also, a huge fail. THEY DO NOT WORK. They will keep flogging boosters to eternity, because Big Pharma needs big profits to dole out to Fauci, the MSM, and politicians.
They said the mRNA vaccines did not alter your DNA. That was a lie. We now know they do. The spike protein causes all kinds of havoc in the human body.
They have lied about the number of Covid deaths in order to pump up fear and profits. They claim 1 million people have died from Covid. That is an outright lie and the CDC knows it’s a lie. They estimated that only 6% of the deaths were directly from Covid. The rest were really sick people who happened to die with a covid diagnosis. They know 1 million is a helluva lot scarier than 60,000. The actual overall fatality rate from this flu is on par with the annual flu and actually lower for anyone under 40 years old.
They said their clinical trials proved these mRNA potions were safe and effective. Pfizer and the FDA then tried to hide the trial data for 75 years. Why would they do that if their data proved their claims? Luckily a judge forced them to release the data. They needed to hide the data because it proves these vaccines are extremely dangerous and completely ineffective in stopping this virus or any virus. The animals tested with the poison kept dying, so they stopped testing them. Test subjects died or were injured by the vaxxes. These trial results should have shut the entire operation down, but billions in profits were on the line, so what were a few million deaths from the vaxxes. You have to break a few eggs to make a multi-billion-dollar omelet of profits for the ruling oligarchs and their minions.