Peak Summer is Here Again, Busting All-Time Records that Were Never Actually Set
Peak summer arrives with temperatures that, it turns out, are hot, and climate change is now responsible in some areas for rising house insurance costs that soared as much as 21% faster than temps.
Yes, it turns out climate change is once again causing summer! Our first boldface headline below notes that peak summer has arrived. How we can know this is peak summer when the rest of summer hasn’t happened yet is unclear. That’s kind of the point of this Zero Hedge article, though—that you would think it is surely peak summer, given how strident headlines have reached an all-time peak compared to other years … and how headlines do that every July as temperatures start to arc seriously upward.
It's peak summer, which means leftist corporate media outlets are ramping up climate propaganda, pushing the 'hottest day' ever headlines, and of course, blaming 'cow farts' and petrol-powered vehicles.
Bloomberg data shows that headlines featuring the 'hottest day' ever in corporate media soared this month. This spike in climate doom headlines is an annual occurrence in July for the Lower 48.
This year, climate alarmists claimed Earth experienced record heat. However, much of the data goes back several decades, not thousands of years, considering the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Climate alarmists continue to push short-term data, some of which derive temperature data from sensors located in airports and cities full of asphalt and concrete.
The biggest issue in how this is done is that they have switched from using raw temperatures to deriving data by using “heat indexes,” which adjust the raw temperature data for a number of factors that can effect how much the recorded temp is affecting humans in the locale—based on radiant sunshine, wind, humidity, concrete, etc.
Thus, one scientist notes that on July 21, when the vane weather alarmists were claiming “hottest day ever,” the average of actual surface station temperature measurements around the world was 59.96°F, which was 6° cooler than the 62.76° being reported by the global-warming, unithinking climatologists. That is quite an adjustment! He explains that in a video here.
In essence, the temperatures reported in articles all over the media came from “Copernicus,” one of those organizations that uses”black box” computer systems to adjust all temperature data. It’s interesting to note that this NGO with no agenda whatsoever reports that Copernicus estimates temperatures to an accuracy of 1/100th of a degree, which is remarkable, given that the thermometers used for the data that goes into Copernicus don’t come anywhere close to that level of accuracy. They are accurate to about one degree.
Another meteorologist from outside the approved climate club asked how they could know all of these historic record “temperatures” were from human-caused climate warming when the multi-nuclear-sized blast from the Tonga volcano that vaporized 40-billion gallons of insulating water into the stratosphere is the more likely culprit.
Is it raining fire from the skies?
Yet, the warnings keep pouring in like rain—a rain of fire—from the usual sources:
On a larger timeframe, we are here:
Hmm. Global cooling.
Temperature: it happens. Every summer. But here is what we are constantly hearing: (Can anyone spot the media hyperbola in this quote?)
As global temperatures spiked to their highest levels in recorded history on Monday, ambulances were screaming through the streets of Tokyo, carrying scores of people who had collapsed amid an unrelenting heat wave. A monster typhoon was emerging from the scorching waters of the Pacific Ocean, which were several degrees warmer than normal. Thousands of vacationers fled the idyllic mountain town of Jasper, Canada ahead of a fast-moving wall of wildfire flames.
There several lots of them in one paragraph, but “scorching waters of the Pacific” particularly stood out to me. You’d think he crustaceans were coming out of the ocean cooked and ready to eat. “Highest temperatures in recorded history” stood out, too, given the graph just presented of glacial records of temperature in recent history that look a lot higher. Maybe the glaciers lie when they don’t agree with the experts using systems like Copernicus to calculate truer temperatures than the raw data whenever the data is not delivering the right narrative.
True, the little Town of Jasper, Alberta, was turned mostly to ash. Of course, there was the far more deadly Peshtigo Fire. You probably haven’t heard of it because it happened in 1871 as one of the deadliest forest fires in history.
For three days in October of 1871, the entire Upper Midwest of the United States was a raging inferno. Four of the worst fires in American history, known collectively as the Great Fires of 1871, burned simultaneously in Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois.
Man, they must have had some SERIOUS global warming in those days! The “entire upper midwest” in flames? Those guys back then knew how to spin up a story. That, or our fires these days are mere pikers.
The fast-moving wildfire killed 800 residents in Peshtigo alone and claimed as many as 2,400 total victims, making it the deadliest fire in recorded North American history.
Just when we thought Jasper had them beat. So, be careful when the experts grab ahold of your attention with terrible story today and use it as evidence for their global-warming narrative. It may just be evidence of their desire to spin a narrative however they can, no matter what computer systems they have to jack the temperatures values up there.
It might be easier to believe them if they were not all so verifiably lying by now constantly reporting record temperatures without even mentioning they are “heat index” temperatures and not actual temperatures. You have to dig deep or find someone who did to find out that, “Oh, this was Copernicus talking again,” because the media now routinely skips over that in most weather stories they deliver, reporting extrapolated temperatures or adjusted temperatures as if they were the raw data off the thermometers.
Sometimes, as in this story form our headlines, you still find it slipped in there but now without much explanation:
The warming neared its apex on Sunday, when data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European climate monitor, showed the global average temperature edging out a record set a little over a year earlier.
They don’t mention what Copernicus does to the raw data to come up with the temps they report. They assume you’ll naturally believe they are just talking about actual temperatures recorded on thermometers somewhere.
Well, they did give us this much this time, but, in many stories I’m reading now, there is nothing:
4 hottest days ever observed raise fears of a planet nearing ‘tipping points’…
The preliminary data was generated using a sophisticated type of analysis that combines global weather observations with a state of the art climate model — a method that outside researchers said Copernicus’s is highly reliable.
Uh, sure it is, If “outside researchers” said so. Even that is rather vague about just how much the numbers are “adjusted.” Six degrees according to the ones story above.
Still, this story ultimately goes where every weather story published goes these days:
And about 3.6 billion people around the planet had endured temperatures that would have been exceedingly rare in a world without burning fossil fuels and other human activities, according to an analysis by scientists at the group Climate Central.
Actually, these temperatures would have been exceedingly rare even today without Copernicus’ carefully designed help in boosting the raw data to get it there.
Perhaps it is rude of me to suggest the EU folk would be using Copernicus to boost data in order to rain down fire. Without Copernicus’ help the weather just wasn’t doing it for them on its own. We know, for example, that the Biden administration would never manipulate data to push a narrative like that, so why claim that the adjustments to raw weather data by the Europeans are all goal-seeking to keep Grumbling Gretta happy?
Uh, well, in last Friday’s Deeper Dive I did just find plenty of reasons to believe that soaring GDP and falling inflation data seems to be working a lot like Copernicus’ soaring temperatures that are adjusted upward in the summertime and lower to see how far below zero you can engineer them in the winter. Yes, there were a few telltale hints that GDP might have been tweaked by the same people who tweaked the Biden message for the last couple of years to tell us he was showing no signs of dementia and that those who said otherwise were just fabricating memes.
This they did until the lie just became too unwieldy in plain sight to maintain anymore. Then they rapidly cried out their extreme surprise and changed tactics as if they are not the least culpable for being that close the president on a daily basis and never noticing until just now how he stares into space when asked questions, loses his train of thought and says outright dumb things like “we killed medicare” … as everyone saw on live television in an event where there are no teleprompters to feed him his responses.
On and on the lying goes
Now we are being told in two other stories below that climate change is gentrifying Florida neighborhoods and causing homeowners insurance to soar as it drives people to leave the beautiful costal areas in order to flee to high ground to avoid the flooding that is happening due to sea-level rise.
Never mind that for the past forty years or so that I have been paying attention to such things, stories have warned that all the development along the coastal areas of the South East was rapidly raising the number of insurance claims, and this progressed in spite of decades of warning. Hurricanes came and went and flooded homes more and more frequently with salt water because there were more an more homes built on the edge of the sea, and insurance companies began redlining some areas out of coverage or grossly raising the costs to cover the damages they could expect.
The warnings forty years ago were not about global climate causes at all, but about coastal development in areas that are beautiful to look at, fun to play in, but very high risk for storms and floods. Nobody listened. They kept building. Now they want to blame global climate change.
(Headlines are free for all today. Enjoy.)
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Peak Summer Arrives With Maximum Climate Fear By MSM
4 hottest days ever observed raise fears of a planet nearing ‘tipping points’ (Except that it never happened. They used the EU’s Copernicus heat index, not actual Temps.)
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And they are not just raising insurance rates on just coastal areas. My house insurance went up 20% and I live in the heart of the Midwest. No previous claims and have been a steady customer with the same company for 40 years. Must be due to those dreaded corn stalks breaking lose in high winds. Straight up ripping people off and blaming climate disasters for it. In the meantime they are dropping a lot of people in the high risk areas, Ka-Ching!!!!!!
Oh, and if you bundle your other insurance (car, life. etc.) with the same company then we may lower your rate some. Which means they have been essentially overcharging you since Day One!!!
As Eric Peters @ always says, the insurance companies are like the Mafia.
Linking as usual tomorrow @
I like the economic material and common sense thinking generally. However, I wonder if a little more integrity could be applied to climate science. I submit the following recent paper (Oct 8, 2024) authored by mainstream, recognized (especially Michael Mann) climate scientists for your consideration.
The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth: