Economica (stocks in bondage, bonds in the stockade, market madness, etc.)
The Money tide runs out and reveals Woman touted as 'Mother Theresa' ran $196 million Ponzi scheme
China’s Economy Takes Hit from Global Slowdown as Exports Weaken
Global Earnings Growth Headed for Zero
Housing Bubble Bust 2.0 (including commercial & global real estate)
Mortgage demand drops further as interest rates shoot back to June high
Money Matters (monetary policy, gold, silver, cryptos & currency wars)
Bitcoin hits lowest level since June as cryptocurrency market drops below $1 trillion again
China Sets Yuan Fix at Strongest Bias on Record as Losses Mount but the Yuan Continued its Decline
The dollar is steamrolling currencies from Japan to South Africa and the UK
Famished & Enflamed (sanctions, shortages, famines & fires)
Video: California heat wave leaves thousands without power
Water is now seen as a precious, vital and scarce resource in the global energy sector
NATO Chief Warns of Testing Winter for Europe and Civil Unrest
EU now far less dependent on Russian gas
Oil’s Unusual Spillover into Banking
“Lehman Event” Looms for Europe as Energy Companies Face $1.5T in Margin Calls
Overinflated (too much money chasing too few goods)
‘It’s starting to cripple us’: British fish and chip shops fear for their survival as costs surge
3 tips to consider when buying essential items during high inflation, according to experts
Oil Fluctuates as Dollar's Strength and China's Weakness Team up to Push against Prices
War, Cyberwar, Civil Conflicts & Unrest
What’s Happening at Ukraine’s Occupied Nuclear Plant?
Saudi Arabia and Iran Held Secret Meetings to Bolster Collaboration
Politics & Social Decay
THE DON HAD DOCS ON NUKES - Stored in Top-Security Closet
Globalism, Authoritarianism, Invasive Government & Censorship
Europe’s Reaction to the Energy Crisis Is Turning into a Globalist ‘Ponzi Scheme’
Winds of Change (extreme weather, climate change & green energy)
Historic, unforgiving western heatwave peaking and crushing records
As water levels drop, ghost town re-emerges
As Elon Musk backs fossil fuels, one strategist sends a warning over EV sales
A Pox Upon Us (the plagues & pandemic policing of the 2020’s)
Economically Beleaguered China Locks Down 65-Million as Holiday Travel Peak Looms
Off-the-Beat or Just Plain Offbeat News
Your Blueprint for an International Lifestyle
Creative Collapse (cartoons, humor & other creative expressions)
Russell Brand: The Energy Crisis Corruption Through Profiteering Is Happening Now
Nothing to work for, nothing to lose
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