Sometimes I am accused of being a liberal because I don’t like Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am an old-fashioned patriot who believes in America and the ideals of America and in generally conservative values but often not Republican values. I count myself among the record number of “double-haters” described in one of today’s headline stories in that I can’t stand either party or either current presidential candidate. I detest them both for different reasons, and sometimes even for the same reasons.
A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of "double haters" at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.
As far as I can see, neither party and neither politician have done us any good for a very long time. Politicians in both parties routinely put party power ahead of country and vote endlessly for massive deficits. Back in the Obama days, House Leader John Boehner told Republican freshman, “Don’t vote for any proposal Obama puts forward, even if it is one you think would be good for the country and that you would normally vote for. We don’t want Obama to have another four years.” He made it clear he would punish any party members who strayed outside of that party-power obsession.
In other words, don’t do anything good for America in its hour of great need (the Great Recession) if it might diminish the party’s power by making Obama look good. That is as anti-patriotic and anti-American as you get. That is when I finally ditched the Republicans altogether, though Bush’s last war-extravagant, economically devastating term was a massive push for me in that direction as he moved to “preemptive” war ideology. (I had always been an independent voter who leaned Republican. Now there is no party lean in me at all. I detest them both.)
Both parties have done all they can and both presidential candidates have done ALL they can to drive wedges deep through the heart of America, trying to seize political advantage from the growing divisions within this country over race, wars, immigration, social issues, and disease to split the nation into pieces and claim as many parts of the pieces for their side as they can. Both parties have long profiteered off of terrible, divisive immigration policy. At this point, all we have to show for party rule is a badly fractured nation because of how the parties have sought to exploit and amplify divisions to consolidate their own power.
It fits perfectly within that picture to watch a video in today’s Daily Doom headlines, interviewing Trump supporters who are convinced that, if Trump doesn’t win, the US will end up in a civil war. They have already made the decision in their own minds that the only way Trump could lose is if Team Biden cheated. Never mind that they have failed to prove over the course of four years a single case of election fraud that they tried to bring to sixty different courts—many of which courts were very conservative courts and even had Trump-appointed judges. Even the most conservative Supreme Court in my lifetime (with a large number of Trump-appointees) threw out Trump’s big Kraken case as being garbage unworthy even of court consideration because all of these cases, all the time, are made of innuendo and suspicion without hard evidence to back them up.
Let’s talk about what “hard evidence” means. I agree that there are lots of reasons for suspicion that look pretty significant on the face of things, but grounds for suspicion are not court-worthy evidence. They are markers of the places where you start looking for evidence. There is a huge legal (and rational) difference, however, between saying, “I saw a truckload of ballots from a largely Trump-supporting region that got turned away from a post office so that it didn’t get counted” and proving 1) it really is a largely Trump-supporting region, and 2) that the truck didn’t just get rerouted to another post-office that could process the huge load faster with their postmark machine set to the time and place that would have been the original drop-off point (because they can do that), and 3) proving how the supposedly Trump-supporting region actually voted on the ballots inside of that truck and 4) proving the removal of those votes from being counted was intentional and who did it in order to rightly press charges. Without the full chain of custody for the evidence (in this case the truck and everything that happened with it), you have nothing but grounds for suspicion.
We used to be a nation that fully agreed with accepting the courts’ verdicts as the final word even when we often did not agree with the court. There were many times I did not like or agree with how the Supreme Court (or other courts) voted on things in the past, and I felt we needed to elect leaders who would make better appointments; but I still accepted the verdict as law that I had to live by. We were, above all, a nation of law and order.
The MAGA people in the interviews in the story in the headlines below sound like they are yearning for a civil war as the final solution if they don’t win the election since all courts in the land have disagreed with them over the last election. It is not as though the Biden boosters will do any differently, however, if Trump wins. They’ll go insane. Just look at what the ultra-liberals in France are doing today:
Protests against hard-Right turn violent in France
French police clashed with protesters in Rennes and Paris on Saturday as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in marches against the hard-Right.….
and …
France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict
(Those stories require subscriptions, so I haven’t included them in the headlines below, but those headlines, alone, say enough. I’ve presented other stories, though, that cover the situation.) The hard-Right won a lot of ground in recent European elections, so the hard-Left is fighting back physically as France now moves to an election called by President Macron, who hopes to take back a liberal mandate with little chance of that outcome happening. Seeing the likelihood of loss, the hard-Left is already rebelling.
Listen to the pot calling the kettle black:
"To me, the extreme right is a danger because it supports an ideology based on the fear of the other, whereas we are all French citizens despite our differences," a 16-year-old protester of French and Algerian descent told the AP news agency.
She also said she feared the rise of the far-right National Rally (RN) party "because I am afraid that they will ban the hijab in [the] name of women's liberty. I am a woman and I should be able to decide what I want to wear."
In the interviews that were in the news yesterday, MAGA supporters even sound like they loath democracy, itself, because “we are a Republic.” How far we have fallen from the nation of patriots I grew up in. That’s a phrase the Trump campaign is now abusing to combat Biden’s claim that Trump is anti-Democratic. Instead of leaning against the charge (because they can’t), Trump’s campaign people are now claiming that it is fine to be undemocratic because the nation has never been a democracy (a pure democracy being where every single law is voted on directly by the citizens of the nation). By that definition, however, no nation on earth has been a democracy in the last 2,000 years! So, it is a meaningless distinction, but a significant change in America.
It is a meaningless distinction until you start using it to validate no longer being a nation governed by law with final decisions of the courts accepted as the last word on how current law is to be applied (like it or not) even in elections, as we once did because we held the constitution sacrosanct. It’s a new slogan for anarchy. In other words, if I don’t like the results from this election or from the courts afterward, I’ll fight a war over it to make sure my side (the Right side) wins!
Ten years ago, all Republicans would have sworn by democracy and put their lives at stake defending the ideal of democracy as the most sacred American principle because all of us already knew we are a democratic, constitutional republic—that we have never voted on every law democratically but always voted democratically for our leaders, rather than having monarchs; and we have always expected those leaders to make laws via their own democratic voting in congress and state legislatures. Now “democracy” is being turned into a bad word. (The kind of word play parties like.)
We are a republic because there would be no dumber government than one in which every law is voted on by the public. No one begins to have enough time to give thoughtful consideration to the exact wording of the many laws made each year in order to make informed votes. So, exercising democracy in the form of a republic is essential for efficiency and an informed vote on each law. It is how all democratic nations have worked since Ancient Greece, which was, I was once told, a pure democracy; but it was more a group of warring city-states than a nation.
Now Team Trump is trying to turn “democracy,” itself, into a bad word and is pretending as if a republic is not democratic. That is a turn in the central meaning of what it is to be American … just to put Trump back in power. This slew of words against the term “democracy” in the video presented in the article below IS anti-democratic right at the heart of the matter, but it is dressing up that anti-democratic turn as good because it is supposedly pro-republic.
It is not pro-republic at all because our republic has always been a democracy in terms of how leaders are chosen and how leaders must create laws. This is an attempt to subvert that. It’s a rebellion against choosing leaders via elections if the elections don’t go our way. And it just proves how much Trump will damage America to its core to save himself when we see his team turn against the very word “democracy”—the core American value—because they fear the election won’t deliver them the victory they crave and demand. Time, then, in their minds, to decide on the leader by force if the election doesn’t go their way. That would obviously only happen, in their view, if the election is corrupt.
There has never been a difference between a republic and a democracy in American minds because democratic elections are entirely how we decide on our leaders in America and how those leaders must function. That means whether we like the outcome or hate it.
As a result of having no one worth voting for, the double-haters, like me, have swelled to the historic high of being 25% of the nation (or of the voting public). That is not too far below the total membership of each major party, which, in itself, shows how easily Trump can legitimately lose. (Or Biden.) Both candidates have a massive voting bloc that will never vote for either one of them.
I place myself in those ranks even if you threaten to smack me in the face with a shovel. I’m not voting for either of these divisive clowns. Period. I am not voting for diaper dementia man who shakes hands with curtains and who mandated I lose my job over my personal refusal to vaccinate or for the orange, big-mouthed, narcissistic buffoon who ran the swampiest White House I’ve ever seen and created trillions of dollars in bailouts via massive public debt for mega-rich corporations, including his own (after already giving huge corporate and estate tax breaks to the rich) during the lockdowns that happened in his final year as he gave the bully pulpit to Fauci every single day and who proudly created the legal pathway, indemnity and massive government funding for the worst vaccines on earth!
See: World Leader Confesses: 'Unvaxxed Were Right, We Tried Poisoning BILLIONS of You'
I can wholeheartedly say that America had never felt worse in my entire life than after four years of Trump, but I can also say with just as much conviction that another 3.5+ years of Biden have made it worse still as he turned vaccination into a life-or-death dividing line throughout America, using fear to pit people against each other over a vaccine and draconian, autocratic quarantine policies that divided families along vaccination lines from doing public things together. As one prime minister says in the video linked to above, it was the most discriminatory set of global policies she’s ever seen. I see nothing in either candidate that will make this country better or even take it back to what it was pre-Trump.
Now, you might be one who thinks anarchy is the only answer if your man Biden loses and we get stuck with another four divisive years of Donald Trump, or you may align with those in today’s story below who think civil war is the only answer if Trump loses because then, surely, the election was stolen again, so democracy isn’t working in America. Therefore, down with democracy, up with a war-forced republic (whatever that is).
But here are the realities you’ll get out of anarchy by the Left or civil war by the Right: A nation more hopelessly torn and divided than anything we see today with those divisions entrenched for decades to come. (Heck, some parts of the south are still fighting the Civil War.) No clear victory for either side, but a high likelihood of years of bloody civil unrest or Mad-Max anarchy and lawlessness with many “strongman” rulers over time competing for the lead in different regions. Dead brothers and sisters and some of your own children or nieces and nephews dead, strewn across a bloody landscape, regardless of which side does better in the war. A nation economically shattered for decades to come, even worse than it will be from Fed failures and from its massive debts. Its economic engines will be shattered by the destruction all around them because you’ll never win such a civil war as a clean and simple war. That doesn’t exist, except in fantasies where you storm in and turn the world your way, easily shoving aside resistance to your methods within just a few months. After all of that, your side may even lose!
And that is a big reason (on top of our economic collapse from years of profligacy and Fed follies) that I predicted this will be the “Year of Chaos.” I very much hope I’m wrong on that one and that clearer heads prevail than those interviewed below who have no realistic concept of how extremely evil in outcome a now brazenly (as in openly) anti-Democratic, armed revolution against an election that fails to deliver for their side would truly be. It can all sound noble in words and dreams of a new more conservative society, but that tidy, antiseptic vision is not how anti-democratic lawlessness ends.
Silly Seattle
Oh, and go figure, one last story I cannot help but comment on briefly because of how inane it is: Liberal, defund-the-law Seattle has not been able to find enough people willing to fill the ranks as police officers since their Black, Female police chief quit on them. She resigned in protest after anti-Trump Antifa declared the CHOP/CHAZ neighborhood of anarchy after the Left lost the presidential election. She quit because she was forced by the mayor and the extremely liberal city council to stand down and let the anarchist/BLM protestors rule after the George Floyd incident, resulting in the deaths of two black kids, and over Settle’s defund-the-police movement.
(If you want to see an even more impassioned total take-down of hypocritical Liberal anarchy, read my article from those days: “How CHAZ Got CHOPped: Seattle Made Itself a Petri Dish of Polluted Liberal Ideas.”)
So, now silly Seattle is, as a matter of policy, hiring illegal aliens to be officers because, yeah, illegals respect the rule of law, so they should be officers of the law over legal citizens! There is an example of what liberal lawlessness, violent rebellion and anarchy get you. It gets you a dumb world; however, more lawlessness and rule by force from the other side only makes it dumber still.
(Headlines today are free for all, but I do need growing support to continue. It’s the hope that someday The Daily Doom will have enough support to be worth all the time it takes that keeps me going (as well as the mission of laying out truth about the economy during a time of economic decline and faulty presentations of data and about social inanity like that above by Seattle). Headlines related to the above editorial appear in boldface.)
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Let's talk voter fraud. A few elections ago I followed a bus load of illegals going from voting poll to voting poll and voting at each stop. 36 votes at 12 different locations for 432 illegal votes. I took pictures and sent them to the state clearly showing voter fraud. The state refused the evidence from not just me but a couple of poll workers who knew they were being deceived. Voter fraud is real and changes elections. I also worked with several people who when they went to vote found out that someone else had voted in their name. I know for a fact that voter fraud in Ca is very real and used in every election.
Good article, thanks for the image link. Will be linking as usual David @