Thirteen Main Facts/Claims about the Hundreds of UFOs Swarming the US for Weeks
MANY of the biggest names in government have stated they are ALARMED about what these craft are and who operates them OR about the US government's claimed inability to know!
Let’s just call all these objects flying around both coasts what they are—unidentified flying objects. By definition, they are UFOs, not drones, because no one has captured an image clear enough to prove they are drones (at least, not that I’ve seen in the many articles I’ve read and numerous videos I’ve watched), and the government claims not to know, even as it calls them “drones.” You can’t know what you don’t know!
The US government also says many of them are normal manned aircraft, but it clearly doesn’t know what the rest of them are or where they come from. So, by definition, they are unidentified, and they certainly appear to be flying objects, though one theory says they are holograms intended to scare us. Another says they are aircraft being tested by the US military to see how much they will scare a civilian populace. Many of them operate far beyond the capacity of all known drones, so they should not be presumed to be drones when the government also claims they are not its own classified drones nor known to be any foreign government’s drones. So, they are UFOs.
The Dept. of Homeland Security says only:
"We're confident that many of the reported drone sightings are, in fact, manned aircraft being misidentified as drones."
First, “many” is not all” and likely not even “most.” While both the military and the White House state they know SOME of them are manned aircraft, they are also admitting they don’t know what OTHERS of them are. In fact, I suspect the “some” amounts to only a few of the sitings, while there are thousands of reports that they cannot identify or, at least, have not identified because all government officials have been completely vague about the numbers they have identified and admit they cannot identify what some are (so they have no business even assuming they are drones).
White House national security communications adviser John Kirby said Thursday that "many" of the reported drone sightings appear to be lawfully operated manned aircraft, adding there was "no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or a public safety threat, or have a foreign nexus."
There is also no evidence that they do not! The government should know what is flying by the hundreds or thousands over its air space.
Matthew Murello, the mayor of Washington Township, New Jersey, told "Good Morning America" on Monday …
"That's a wonderful thing to tell your residents," he said when asked about Kirby's assurances. "That's fantastic, until it's not."
"Nobody knows what these things are doing," Murello added. "Best case scenario, they're just getting video of us. Again, I don't know why out here. We're nothing but farm country. If you want videos of cows, I'll be happy to send you some."
Murello cast doubt on the official statements suggesting "no perceived threat…."
"We've heard that before from our federal government -- 'We're not looking, we're not watching you, we're not watching your calls, we're not doing everything and don't worry -- we're here and we're here to help you'," he said.
Murello was among a group of New Jersey mayors who wrote to Gov. Phil Murphy asking for more information. The mayors were subsequently invited to a meeting, but Murello said the governor did not attend.
Instead, state police told the mayors they had little information on the drones.
When the military, government intelligence agencies and the White House all have no idea what these hundreds if not thousands of sitings are, then we know we have a major, major problem. When they rely on lame claims like “SOME are known to be normal manned aircraft” when many are clearly seen to fly in ways none of us have ever seen manned or unmanned aircraft fly, then we know they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for excuses/explanations.
In the very least, we have a serious intelligence gap about the kind of craft flying in extremely odd ways (see the facts claimed below) all over the northeast coast and now on the west coast, too. That is hundreds of aircrafts, some flying near and some even IN restricted airspace that no one is capable of identifying!
If we are not able to identify them, they could be anything from anywhere because for some reason we are also not able to see where they come from or where they land. The true least-case concern would be that they are our own military, and the military is outright lying about them. However, if the military has to outright lie about what it is doing, the door is wide open as to what it is doing.
Is the US military just testing public response before using them for war or creation of fear in other nations, and we’re just the guinea pigs? Or is it a more critical military operation to thwart a known threat? John Ferguson, the CEO of Saxon Aerospace, a drone manufacturer in Kansas, says these aircraft may be sniffing for radiation or gases, given their strange flying, which is not typical of hobbyists.
He said the only reason an unmanned aircraft would be flown at night was if its operator was "looking for something." (However, if they don’t even want to be seen looking, why would they run navigation lights, unless they want to be law-abiding or avoid causing a collision with other aircraft? Running with the lights on isn’t all that stealthy.) If he’s right, and it is a worthy point, what is the radiation/chemical threat the military or other government agencies are surveilling so intensely?
Even Donald Trump has claimed the obvious intelligence gap is serious and that the government should start shooting some down so we can identify them. After all, if you restrict the air space and they fly into it anyway, they make themselves legitimate targets; and, if you don’t have a clue what they are but somehow claim to know they are unmanned, you don’t have a clue whether they are harmful or not. You’re blowing smoke when you try to assure Americans they’re not a risk.
"Our military knows, and our president knows, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense," he said during remarks at Mar-a-Lago on Monday. "Something strange is going on and for some reason they don't want to tell the people. And they should."
Another theory says the government knows all about them, and the threat is so great that it would rather lie than tell the truth because of how the truth would scare the public. That’s a natural go-to conspiracy theory, used in every Sci Fi movie since the fifties, that nearly everyone would come up with, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong. It is one of many possibilities.
List of the important claims about these UFOs
There are many interesting facts claimed about these UFOs, be they human technology or extraterrestrial, flying machines or time machines, or whatever else they might be, and I’d like to list the main claimed facts that can be found from credible sources in the articles and videos below, which make many of these sitings unlike any drones known to most of us, if not all of us:
In one of the videos in the articles highlighted below, a medivac pilot near Florence, Oregon, radios the nearest air-traffic controller in his area and reports objects several miles ahead of him that are flying “very, very, very fast” twenty miles out to sea and back again and are also flying in corkscrew patterns from 14,000 feet to 50,000 feet and down again, which is even higher than commercial planes fly or than any known drone is capable of flying, not to mention a highly peculiar thing to do. Air-traffic control tells him it cannot see them on radar, though it can see his helicopter and a coast guard helicopter and other planes, and says that many pilots are reporting they see the same phenomenon from their own positions. The medivac pilot, however, can see them on instrumentation made to show aircraft that that might pose a collision threat, so he is not reporting what he sees based just on his eyesight alone, but giving measurements of flight time and distance and altitude based on instrumentation.
Some are described by reliable pilots or sheriffs as moving at a velocity that is “either supersonic or hypersonic.”
Law enforcement has tried to apprehend them with their own drones, and couldn’t even get close. They fly that much faster than the drones used by law enforcement.
Law enforcement has reported they are flying without leaving any heat signature as drones typically emit, and without using transponders or emitting any radio frequencies. There are no recognizable frequencies controlling the drones remotely that they can tell either. They also make no sound when flying, even at high speeds, not even the familiar quiet drone propeller buzz. So, they are completely stealth when they turn off their navigation marker lights. Even battery-powered drones would have some heat signature from their electric motors. These, apparently, fly invisible to infrared technology as well as air-traffic and military radar if the reports of agencies can be trusted. Yet, some of the agencies seem to not even care.
And, yet, New York's Stewart International Airport was forced to shut down for a few hours because the drone activity around presented a possible risk to other aircraft. The airspace over Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio was also closed temporarily for four hours Friday night into early Saturday due to drone incursions.
They are said to disappear, and reappear, but that is simple since almost all of them fly at night in a black sky and are likely black vehicles, so disappearing is a simple as turning off their lights, EXCEPT many reports, beside the one from Oregon, say that NONE of them show up on air-traffic radar in any of these areas. Apparently, the military doesn’t have any radar capable of finding them, or why haven’t they tracked them to where they land or take off to find out who is launching them and to obtain some of the craft for inspection?
One or two that can be plainly seen in the videos in the article below and carried last week for paying subscribers have very strange shapes that don’t match any known drone or plane or helicopter. They LOOK extraterrestrial, as in like some kind of flying pod one would expect to see in a Sci-Fi movie, but that, of course, doesn’t mean they are.
Many fly in strange formations that would indicate they are not flown by individual pilots doing their own thing. Sometimes a whole formation takes off from the ocean out on the horizon (or appears from over the horizon) and then lands on (or into?) the ocean later, and all the lights go out. If they land over the horizon, they would seem to be moving incredibly fast to get that far away before disappearing into the distance.
People claim they are the size of SUVs, but trying to determine the size of an object when all you can see is lights in a night sky where you have no clear points of reference for perspective is fraught with likely errors. How big they are depends on how far away they are, and how do you know that when you have no known object that you know is the same distance away as the UFO in order to judge its size or distance? Some professionals admitted there was no way to know the size or distance for those reasons.
If they are as big as claimed, it would seem they are built for carrying a fairly sizable payload, or why be so robust, unless that is necessary just to reach the velocity at which they fly or due to the weight of all their surveillance equipment? If some person, agency, foreign military or whatever is using a craft the size of an SUV, it could be capable of carrying a somewhat sizable bomb or tank of deadly aerosols. So, maybe we should know what it is! Why has it taken the government so long to figure out something so simple … unless these craft truly exceed our own technology so we are incapable of catching one, shooting one down, flying alongside it, seeing where it came from or landed or clearly photographing one, etc.? It is concerning that the US military is as incapable as it is claiming to be … even if the craft actually intend no harm. It proves a huge vulnerability … unless the military is lying and knows exactly what they are, which is also concerning. Why the importance of such a big lie?
The information gap is serious enough that many big-name members of congress, mayors, governors, and law enforcement officials have expressed concern or even outrage about the incapability of the US government or its lackadaisical lack of interest to where these government officials are calling for much more serious government reaction. MTG cries, “Bullshit,” saying the military either knows and is lying, in which case she feels nothing but disgust for the military; or, far worse, they don’t know and are incapable of knowing, in which case we should all feel more afraid than ever due to their incompetence.
One New Jersey drone pilot, who has tried to apprehend one of the UFOs with his own drone, says that when he followed it into FAA restricted air space, his own drone immediately lost power and “spun out” (as it is supposed to do) while the UFO he was chasing continued to fly at the same speed over the restricted space without being shut down. That says, either it is government/military controlled so it is allowed over such space, or the government has no ability to shut it down even when it flies illegally as it is able to do to normal drones.
The FBI alone has received over 5,000 complaints regarding these sitings.
FBI and CIA opinions
One former FBI counter-drone specialist, Robert D'Amico, was actually lame enough to call this “mass hysteria,” but when hundreds of people are photographing them nightly and law enforcement is chasing them with their own drones and professional pilots are seeing them on their crash-avoidance equipment and reporting unheard of flight dynamics, then it is clearly not just hysteria. That’s a wastebasket diagnosis of the situtuation—the kind typically deployed by people who don’t know anything about the situation they are talking about and don’t want to admit their total ignorance.
Is it Russians or terrorists testing our abilities and responses before actually doing something? Are the UFOs actually releasing something that will be harmful over time? We don’t know. We don’t know anything about the origin of these highly unusual craft, or we do, and officials are lying. Either way … not good.
CIA operations officer Laura Ballman revealed her chilling theory that the drones lighting up multi-state skies may be a 'classified exercise.'
She told Fox News Live that the drone sightings are 'extremely unsettling,' and shared her theory that they may be part of a technology 'test,' orchestrated by the Biden Administration.
Ballman said: 'Now in terms of who is behind this, seeing the statements that have been made by John Kirby, who has said that these objects are not operating illegally.
'Coupled with the several op-eds that have been out there in the last 24 hours about the need to look at our detection systems, [it] makes me think perhaps this is actually a classified exercise to test either evasion technology or detection technology in urban areas.'
Update on Israel’s imminent attack planned for Iranian nuclear facilities and weaponry
Shortly after I published my analysis on Friday, stating with near certainty that Israel will attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, which also laid out what I saw as the most likely timeframe for that attack, Breitbart published an article carrying a Fox News interview with the White House where the WH all but indicated the same likelihood and same timeframe that I had given.
I updated the article on Saturday with the interview and my analysis of the interview, so if you didn’t see the update, it’s worth going to the article linked below and then skipping down to the bottom of the editorial where you’ll see the update clearly subtitled:
“THE IRANIUM REACTION: Israeli Attack on Iran's Nuclear Facilities Is Imminent”
It’s as close to a White House confirmation of the probability and timing as we are likely to ever get, given that maintaining some element of surprise is typical in war.
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“makes me think perhaps this is actually a classified exercise to test either evasion technology or detection technology in urban areas.”.
Makes me think there is a new govt power grab just over the horizon.
No worries though. It will be safe and effective.
I recently heard that the residents of Great Britain have also seen the UFOs. Have the Chinese? Have the Russians? Have the Iranians? Have the N. Koreans? These are the usual suspects that the military and intelligence services have thrown out as US adversaries.
If a UFO from another planet is the cause, I seriously doubt it would show up exclusively in the US and the lackey "51st state". If there are sightings in the Global South, so-called non-aligned countries, etc., and they are as frequent as in the US then I would guess it is extraterrestrial. I say this because if the UFOs if designed and built in the US, they are an indeed a budget buster so highly doubtful they would also pop up in Argentina, South Africa, Burma, etc. In short, the US government doesn't have that much money to mass produce these UFOs.
My guess is that it is the US military advanced testing them to keep its citizens inline in the event of a violent insurrection locally or regionally or to flex abroad should the US lose a battle in an important region in the world.
But what the hell do I know.