This Time the Swamp Gets Swamped
In the first round, the swamp took down Trump. In round two, Trump takes down the swamp. They're all flying like fish now!
You've got to basically get rid of the whole thing. It's beyond repair…. We're shutting it down.
—Elon Musk
Having covered some of the big risks with Trump’s Trumpian moves yesterday, I want to focus today on covering some of the good aspects of yesterday. While I noted my concern that we have no idea what ops we turned the light out on in the middle of danger by entirely shutting down USAID (the United States Agency for International Development) in a single day. I also said that is one stinky branch of government that needs some massive airing out. So, now I’m going to give you a list of a few of its many twisted poontangs … because that is pretty much the area of human endeavors it came to focus on.
It’s one agency where maybe just a massive wrecking ball straight on top of it—if God doesn’t hit it first with an asteroid—is a good idea, but it has actually served some good sometimes prior to Biden’s dandy men hijacking it to turn it into an LGBTQ++ whore house of horrors. Its core mission was to advance education and create infrastructure in nations we wanted to help. Well, they did help lay some pipe. It went a little way off track in the process in order to serve the lusts of a few that Biden placed in charge with an agenda of their own.
Short list of the bad and the ugly (what good can be said?)
USAID funded a pro-LGBTQ group in Serbia called 'Grupa Izadji,' which in English translates to 'Group Come Out' because, apparently, getting gays to come out of the closet is an urgent mission of the US government that should be paid for by all of us. This Serbian pro-LGBTQ group received millions of dollars a year to expand employment opportunities in Serbia for the gay community. One goal was to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia's workplaces and business communities, by promoting economic empowerment of and opportunity for LGBTQI+ people in Serbia.” Of course, Serbia didn’t really want that; so, we were spending money to help DEI hires, versus merit-only hires, in Serbia because we needed to help transsexualize the world against its will. (Perhaps we should fund an OSHA for them, too—one that focuses on gay sexual safety in the workplace…. We probably did.)
Funded other DEI projects like a Colombian transgender opera and Peruvian trans comic books. The goal was to “increase transgender representation in the arts.” Because that is vital to US national interests. The opera received $25,000 from the US government, and the comic book $32,000. (Hump change?)
$500,000 to expand atheism in Nepal. (Can’t have all those Buddhists running around without some anti-divine, US-backed competition. We know how dangerous Zen is to national security.)
Gave $15 million to the Taliban for contraceptives after the group banned the products. (A plan to create fewer Taliban while preserving their right to fun under a burqa? Now, if it were a plan for volunteer permanent sterilization for all burqa bangers, I might have paid for it.)
The Wits Health Consortium, a South African research facility that studies the transmission of HIV among sex workers and transgender people received $30 million from USAID since 2018. “HIV epidemic control in South Africa pivots on the success of providing appropriate services for key populations, including sex workers … their clients, and transgender … people,” the award states. (Does “providing appropriate services” mean sexual services? Then let South Africa pay for it.) The primary goal was to create “a model of provision of accessible clinical interventions for [whores].” (O.K. I substituted a more direct word for “sex workers.” I wish them no harm, but the risk they choose is the risk they choose. Now, if it were money to extract women from being used as sex slaves against their will, that would be a different story. Still not sure that is the government’s, job, but I’d, at least, feel some compassion about it.)
USAID granted $28-million to the Wuhan laboratory that most people now admit gave us Covid-19. (Wuhoo!)
$2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam. Only one battery station got built, avoiding consumption of a total of 260 gallons of gas. (A great return on investment. Must have gone to one of Elon’s competitors, or I don’t suppose we’d find it on the list of bad things to be expunged.)
Also helped open TransCare Clinic, established to “address ongoing gaps in transgender health care across Vietnam” and funded a documentary highlighting the agency's efforts to prop up the first transgender health care clinic in India. (Titled “As the Stomach Turns?” Why not a clinic for everyone? Was the clinic to help them get gender-distorting surgeries at Americans’ expense because the world needs more deeply confused people?)
Established a policy to advance USAID’s commitment to supporting protection, inclusion, and human rights for all so that LGBTQI+ individuals are able to live with dignity and free from all forms of violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization.” (Why not a policy for treatment with dignity of all humans? Then again why is it even America’s job to right all the human behaviors of the world? I’ve always thought we should stop playing global cop, especially on individual human behavior.)
(Provided largely from The Daily Mail.)
Rubio to the Rescue
After taking USAID under his own umbrella as the new head of the Department of State, Marco Rubio said the agency showed “direct insubordination” to Trump as president of the United States. He claimed it is full of rogue employees who do whatever they want.
“The goal was to reform it, but now we have rank insubordination," Rubio told Fox News, in comments just one day after President Trump announced that Rubio would serve as the acting head of USAID….
According to Rubio, "Their basic attitude is, ‘We don’t work for anyone, we work for ourselves, no agency of government can tell us what to do….’"
According to Rubio, USAID has lost its focus and abandoned the "national interest" - telling Fox: "They have basically evolved into an agency that believes that they’re not even a U.S. government agency, that … they’re a global charity, that they take the taxpayer money, and they spend it as a global charity, irrespective of whether it is in the national interest or not in the national interest."
Rubio points out that many embassies claim USAID is not only uncooperative with the government’s of their countries, but that it actually undermines the work of those governments or the culture they wish to support.
“They are supporting programs that upset the host government with whom we are trying to work on a broader scale…. They just don’t consider that they work for the US. They just think they are a global entity…. So we had no choice but to take dramatic steps to bring this thing under control.”
The swamp is drowning in its own guilt
Well, one thing is for sure, bringing things under control has some of the deepest deep state creatures trembling.
Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has sounded the alarm over growing panic inside the FBI, as President Donald Trump continues his brutal crackdown on deep-state corruption.
Trump has those who wear swamp boots in the FBI looking for cover in the marshes, but he’s napalmed the swamp to make sure there is no cover. Well, except that swamp creatures are often amphibious and can live under water, so he may have to drain the whole swamp in that institution, too, just to expose them all. It looks like, though, he is wisely taking more of a scalpel approach, knowing many of those he truly wants to get on a first-name basis.
Recently, Trump fired David Sundberg, the top official at the FBI’s Washington Field Office, along with nearly 90 other high-ranking FBI officials last Friday.
According to insiders, this is just the beginning—another wave of firings is expected soon.
According to the story, Trump is getting even with those who weaponized the department against him.
McCabe, who was himself fired from the FBI in 2018 for lying under oath, admitted that FBI agents are in panic mode, bracing for the next round of dismissals….
“This is totally unprecedented,” McCabe said in a recent interview, describing the current state of disarray inside the Bureau.
“I’ve talked to more FBI people in the last 4 days than I did in the prior 4 years,” he added, revealing that fear has gripped the agency as Trump reasserts control….
“This is a moment of terror for these people,” McCabe admitted.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of swamp rats. Granted, there are many America-loving patriots, I’m sure, working in the FBI who may now be afraid of whether they will be able to keep the heat on for their kids through the remainder of winter. Let’s hope only the creatures for the darkest lagoons go.
McCabe, you may remember, was the driving force behind the Russiagate hoax that claimed Agent Orange Trump worked under covers for Russia. About that little lie even chief inspector Mueller—highly paid, staffed and focused as he was with the full power of government and the FBI in particular behind him—had to say he found ZERO evidence of support after about two years of trying his darndest. Oh well, move on to the next fake scam.
McCabe also initiated an obstruction of justice probe against Trump for firing Comey—despite no evidence of wrongdoing.
I thought presidents were allowed to fire their arrogant staff without cause. Don’t those guys serve at the pleasure of the president so that he can fire them if he thinks their teeth are too shiny if that’s what he wants to do? Doesn’t he have the right to put anyone in the top cabinet positions he want, so long as he can vet them through the senate? That means the right to remove them, too, I would think, in order to make room for the one he wants to appoint.
However, in a twist of irony, McCabe was later fired from the FBI himself after the DOJ found he lied multiple times to federal investigators about leaking sensitive information to the media. At the time, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed:
“McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor—including under oath—on multiple occasions.”
And then Trump effectively fired Sessions by strongly encouraging retirement.
So, now many in the FBI are shaking in their leaky swamp boots.
Ah, ya gotta love reality television.
Please pass the popcorn.