Thank you, everyone for your comments. Very helpful. I didn't comment back on any of them in particular because I didn't want to sway the results of the reader survey based on my responses.

I'll be announcing in Monday's edition (the day when headlines go out free to all) how I have made changes based entirely on the poll results and feedback here in order to streamline what I do without compromising any of the things people say they value most.

Unless anyone objects, I'll also include some of your comments and reader testimonials when I rewrite the about pages that describe the new Daily Doom. If you want me to quote them anonymously please let me know in your replies or if you want me to use your actual name where you've used a pseudonym, let me know. If you are willing to disclose something about your location (such as city and state or just state), let me know that, too.

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You're connecting the dots very insightful. You have a rational and experienced broad insight into the political economy and you know how to transparantly translate this to people looking for deeper insight into our world. Please continue with this mission, others, even if quantitatively not that much will carry your knowledge further into the world.

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Enjoy reading your in-depth editorials and analysis.

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I read every one of your editorials and in doing so I find I have basically read the headline news for the day, so I don't typically read the news articles, just scan them. I especially enjoy and appreciate your deeper dives. As long as you're concentrating on economics, I'm interested.

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I have always found most useful and very interesting Davids editorials and insights into whats really happening with the economy, politics, inflation, real estate etc . The headlines are of little additional benefit though I do glance over them occassionally.

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What I appreciate the most is your economic insight, especially when it's contrarian. (Now there's a word that's getting overused a lot!) But truthfully, I don't need yet another pundit nodding in unison about, for example, that "BRICS is about to destroy the dollar." You have really, really good instincts about how the world actually works, which is the reason I decided to throw some money your way each month. (You're one of only two substacks I actually pay for.)

Your take on politics is less useful to me, both because there's very little one old man (me) can do to stop America's slide down the tubes, and because there are a gazillion other sites that focus on politics 24/7. I spend about an hour each morning scanning the headlines on magatracker.com (conservative aggregator site), but I rarely read more than 2 or 3 linked articles. After all, how many rah-rah Trump, Meatball Ron, Demented Joe, and crack-head Hunter stories have anything new to say?

I scan your linked headlines but rarely click on them, because I've seen many of those headlines already on Zero Hedge or the Dollar Collapse "best of the web" aggregator site. Occasionally I'll see one from a source I don't scan, and if it sounds interesting, I'll read it. But I come here for YOUR opinion, not links to your source articles.

And finally, thanks for putting up with my humor in the comment section.

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I like your opinion and insight. Do the best you can with the time you have. 3 days a week plus a deep dive? I've tended to read in the email format mostly.

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Alsio, I'm not sure the size of your audience. I suspect most prople do NOT want to hear what you have to say. They do not like looking down the gun barrel.

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There are very few other commentatorw willing to tell it like it is. Too many lying politicians, lying bankers, lying investment gurus. your analyses and commentaries usually appear spot-on, and you do not have an axe to gring. IF you can, would love to hear how you think this catastrophe will end - inflationary collapse with deflqation to follow, or deflationary depression?

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I concur, 2-3 days/week could suffice. I really enjoy your editorials and Deeper Dives. So maybe an editorial every 2-3 days summarizing the daily headlines and a Deeper Dive either on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I discovered you on Seeking Alpha and GoldSeek where the content was coming every 1-2 weeks, so I’d be okay with that same frequency if needed.

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I enjoy your take on what is happening in the country and the world. I know doing the research is time consuming and then writing down your thoughts adds to that time commitment but I appreciate the effort that you put into it.

I look forward to reading your Deeper Dives - it helps me better understand nuances that I don’t have time to dig for the details.

Thank you for what you do.

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I agree with Dennis. A similar format to what you have now but maybe less frequent.

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Agreed. It's not about volume - I look forward to concise, quality insight. 3 days a week would be fine.

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I agree with Chris. Maybe three days during the week and the deep dive on weekends. This is too valuable to stop altogether. Thank you for continuing in whatever way works for you.

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You can always write fewer days a week to keep up the great quality.

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