
David, I am so glad I have you as my private, non biased, no bullshit, full time reasercher. You are my favorite contributor of news and knowledge.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023Author

Thank you, David. When writing articles like this, since my audience is mostly conservative, God bless them, you can imagine I don't usually hear that on this kind of article. But I have to go where the truth is, even when it costs me readers, as it did today, as well as publishers who carry my material. If I didn't do that, what am I even writing for? Certainly not money. People who take their news straight up are a narrow niche market. So, if anyone wants to make real money, they need to belong to one club or the other and feed the audience only what it wants. I'm always glad for those who take the news unvarnished. Thank you, though, to supporters like you who help make it tenable to keep going.

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Another day, another Trump indictment...yawn. Will moron lefties ever let up? This is beyond ridiculous.

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It is beyond ridiculous. We can agree on that much.

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