Can children that identify as cats be spayed or neutered like a cat? Can their health care be performed by a vet? Do they get the same shots as my housecat? (versus human immunization schedule)

So many questions...

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023Author

I said the same thing to my wife this weekend: If the schools and parents really believe it is actually kind to encourage their children to believe they are cats or dogs or if they actually believe you can be whatever you declare yourself to be, then shouldn't they, purely out of kindness, only take their children to vets when they need healthcare? It is unbelievable how quickly the world has gone completely insane.

Words have no meaning anymore; so, yes, SOOO many questions. After all, until I just came across this in my own very conservative community, I did wonder if the similar story that was from a regular community newspaper in the UK might have just been an AI fake-news story. However, the story I heard locally (while it IS hearsay) was not from AI. It was from a friend of the merchant I was talking to who claimed to know about it firsthand. Now, I haven't traced the story down, and it wouldn't stand up in court, being hearsay; but the merchant was solidly convinced. If I were reporting it as a news story, not commenting as an editorial, I'd chase it down.

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It's a valid line of questioning, when you consider that the current, human, medical community is being taught to treat women that think they are men, like men, medically, and vice versa, so where does this lunacy end?

As an aside, even with the LGBTQ+ things set aside, how does any respectable human respect someone, anyone, that thinks they are an animal?

"Like, if you are a cat, why are you speaking to me in English, to tell me that you are a cat?"

Then, if they refused to acknowledge reality, I'd make them live like a cat, in every way possible.

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Agree with all commenters. Treat the deluded “cat person” as a real cat, from start to finish. (Alinsky RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”) Cats don’t go to school. Cats don’t wear clothes. Cats eat cat food. Cats don’t use the bathroom or toilet paper (let her lick herself clean). You put a cat into a carrier to go to the vet. Give her the standard cat shots and make her wear a collar and tag saying she’s been vaccinated. But above all else, get her spayed so she cannot pass her psychosis to her offspring.

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