There is NO DEFECT in my thinking. Name one Foreign Country that Putin /Russia has invaded since the break up of the old Soviet Union ?

You are full of shit - anfd I want you to UNSUBSCRIBE ME immedially you read this message. In my opinion you are seen as stupid & wrong. Not someone I want to discuss or learn from. FY !

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What a load of crap - especailly your illinformed comments re Russia. I stopped reading right there.

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Its been said that mark Cuban is now out of the markets. I would love to know if Michael Burry, Charles MacDonald, and Steve Eiseman (hope I spelled his name correctly), have gone to cash?? Gold?? Big Oil?? And Oh to be a fly on the wall of the Vampire Squid's strategy meetings. Bet they are short bonds, the dollar, medium banks, and ESPECIALLY commercial real estate. What's that olod Chinese curse : May you live in interesting times.?? I think the stock/bond bull market will last as long as the BLS can continue to lie through their teeth about inflation. Or until there is a truly catastrophic bond auctiion. Or until the Straits of Hormuz are blocked.

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Last I heard, I think Burry was pretty much all cash, but he also was running a huge short, which I think got squeezed out of existence.

It is astounding how EASILY the BLS gets away with lying about inflation.

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I enjoy your writing...but can we all just give up the "Dastardly Putin Is Losing" schtick? Clearly that is not the case. And denigrating Putin puts you in the category with all the other Rusia Russia Russia idiots. Russia is winning bigly, is in no rush, and NATO is in deep trouble. Read Johnson/Ritter/Macgregor.

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Agree. But the article did say the citizens are ignorant.

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I cannot even begin to understand all those on the right who think that totally Communist Party, KGB European head of lying (a.k.a. European Disinformation) Putin is a good guy. As the former head of European Disinformation in service of the Soviet Union's Communist Party, there is no better trained, skillful liar in all the world than Putin. Yet, people on the right seem to believe he is trustworthy. That's just how skillful he is at selling lies by wrapping them in partial truths.

Putin has assassinated almost every major opponent who disagrees with him or put them in gulags. He typically walks them off high buildings in old KGB style. We all know this. He has even put hundreds of his own people in gulags for simply using the word "war" against his edict. He has rigged every Russian election by sidelining his opponents and even changed the constitution just so he can stay in power for life. He has attacked many nations around him and re-subjugated them to their former Soviet master state under a new name but same old dictatorship.

To say that Russia is "winning bigly" when it has lost so much ground that it first took and hundreds of thousands of soldiers against such a small nation and especially since it hasn't gained any significant ground for an entire year is ... not even remotely credible and simply denies obvious facts on the ground. Just look at a map to see all that he once claimed and had power over and what he has left today. I call truth as I see it, and I haven't seen Russia making any noteworthy gains for over a year.

What I see is an obvious stalemate at this point, but Ukraine is by far the smaller nation with just the benefit of NATO arms and intelligence, but no NATO soldiers actually fighting on the ground or in the air or on sea to directly slaughter Russians and not even NATO's best arms. NATO Intel, yes. Fighters, not really. And yet Ukraine is clearly holding the mighty bear from gaining all that it originally wanted and, for awhile, actually drove the bear considerably backward from what it had taken of their country.

It is truly stunning how well Ukraine has stood up to one of the world's former superpowers with NATO support. Clearly, they are determined to make sure they are NEVER under the thumb of their old former Soviet boss again. They experienced decades under Russia's communist domination, and they will all choose to die before they go under that kind of subjugation again. Why any American would hate to support them in that and would wholeheartedly support the longtime oppressor of that region when Americans supposedly believe in freedom is beyond me.

Putin is truly DARKLY evil and totally set on rebuilding the old empire. He stated so very clearly and especially emphatically in many ways in his original invasion speech to the Russian nation (clearly intended for the world as well). He is probably the most skillful liar in the world by training, or he would have never risen to become the chief of European Disinformation, which is entirely about national lies. So, I don't know why anyone would trust a word out of his mouth, such as all those words when he lined up his military and told the world for weeks on end he had no plan of invading Ukraine when so obviously he did. Even then I heard people on the right agreeing with him and claiming he had no invasion plans. They were obviously dead wrong about that, but they never admit that.

People use the wrongs the US has committed to justify Putin as if US wrongs make all Russian wrongs right. Our wrongs do not justify any other empire's wrongs, anymore than theirs justify ours. Wrong is wrong. I call it as it is, and I defend none of our own wrongs. I just don't tolerate people using them as the flimsy skirt for Putin to hide behind. Our wrongs do not make Putins subjugation of many other nations, his imprisonment or assassination of all of his Russian opponents, his endless lies, etc. all right. I'm not arguing in favor of US lies, imperialism, etc. I've written against all of that for years, but I'm not about to cut Putin a break that I will not give to the US. I'm arguing against ALL lies and refusing to let people use one set of wrongs to justify another set of deadly and atrocious wrongs, including obvious attacks against broad swaths of civilians.

So, while it's understand why people would believe a highly trained and master liar like Putin, I do not understand why they would even suggest that I shouldn't question him or his motives in my writings. We should always question power! And we should always question dangerous power that routinely waves around its nuclear weapons and assassinates it opponents even more, not less!

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You are so ill-informed it's dangerous. You shouldn't comment on World issues with such certainty --when it's obvious you are:

(1) Trying hard to be a Patriot

(2) Getting your information straight from MSM propaganda

Why is NATO a terrorist organization?

▪️NATO was created in Washington in 1949.

In 1999 NATO bombed Yugoslavia. The bombing killed 5700 people, including 400 children.

▪️NATO invaded Iraq in 2003. More than one million civilians had been casualties.

▪️In 20 years of the conflict in Afghanistan alliance troops killed about two million civilians.

▪️The number of refugees caused by NATO hostilities is estimated in the tens of millions who are still homeless, the damage to country infrastructure and environment exceeds several trillion US dollars.

▪️NATO never protected anyone, it only attacked.

57,000 deaths in Vietnam caused the US to have a nervous breakdown for years. They would not be able to cope with the losses fighting against Russia.

I can't wait until the west is defeated so the western criminals can be sent to the war crimes tribunals.

It's insidious, no one can write an economic article without lying about Russia and Ukraine. Russia did not invade Ukraine. Russia was asked by the Russian speaking peoples of Lugansk and Donbas regions of Ukraine for help against the CIA installed Nazi regime that had been bombarding them for four years, despite the Minsk Accord.

In fact the Lugansk and Donbas regions were to be protected by Russia, US and UK as a part of the Minsk Agreement. After 5 years of escalating genocide of the Russian speaking people they formally petitioned Russia pursuant to the Minsk Agreement process - several times. It was on the third and most dire request Putin agreed to defend them. Defending those people was to take on their aggressors - the neo Nazi.

This short article may be of Interest. 2/12/23 Open Defiance:


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This is the huge defect in your thinking: I didn't say anything about NATO being good! I just stated the fact that NATO is supplying Ukraine with arms. So, you criticize me for stating pure facts because of your own bias and jump to the conclusion that I think those facts about what NATO is doing means I am all pro-NATO because of my patriotism. The facts are that, without NATO's help, Ukraine would be defeated by now.

I, IN FACT, don't disagree with anything you said about NATO.

BUT HERE IS THE DEEPER DEFECT IN YOUR ARGUMENT: No matter how bad NATO is, that doesn't make Putin GOOD or even make him better. It is perfectly possible in this world to have two OR MORE hideously evil, imperial powers. All those things you said against NATO, just fill in different country names, and you can say exactly the same things about Putin.

We all learned in Kindergarten two wrongs don't make a right. NATO being bad does not in any way justify Putin being bad. NATO being imperialist doesn't in any way justify Putin's imperialism. The question is can you see straight about Putin, or do you have some sort of Putin patriotism that keeps you from seeing all of HIS evil acts that match NATO's in size, aggression, imperial control of the states around him, and the slaughter of civilians?

You have just done exactly what I said above: "People use the wrongs the US has committed to justify Putin as if US wrongs make all Russian wrongs right. Our wrongs do not justify any other empire's wrongs, anymore than theirs justify ours."

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Again, perspective matters. Evil? Name the last virtuous US President. Putin has 75-80% approval in Russia, the majority of dissenters are frustrated he hasnt moved quicker to squash Ukraine. I would choose Putin over Biden, Trump, Xi, whover, if the objective was to improve/safeguard the living standards of my country. Are you familiar with the Fourth Turning? How ironic that Putin is likely the guy to rescue the US from itself by collapsing the hopelessly corrupt, EVIL MIC

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You see, you are proving my point again. I comment about Putin being evil, and he is extremely evil, and you try to justify Putin's evil by pointing to US evil. ("Name the last virtuous US President.") Putin has to answer for his own destruction of hundreds of thousands of civilian homes in Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine, and all the places where he has done the most he could to re-expand the crumpled Soviet empire back into a new Russian empire.

The US has its own imperialism to answer for, which I have MANY times written against. Unlike you, I don't excuse Putin because "US bad" or excuse the US because "Putin bad." I call bad wherever I see it and never justify it on the basis that there are other bad actors out there, too. That is a purely kindergarten argument: "It's OK that I punched Johnny in the nose because Billy punched Sally and got away with it." Childish logic. Biden and Trump should both pay the FULL cost for all the wrongs they have done. Putin should pay the full cost for all the wrongs he's done.

Popularity means nothing. Trump is very popular with his crowd. Obama was extremely popular to where he could have likely won a third term if it were legal for him to try. None of that makes anything they do right. Yet, you excuse Putin on that basis, too. I don't excuse Putin at all. I don't excuse Trump. I don't excuse Biden or Obama. They can all go down for whatever wrongs they have committed. Trump's wrongs don't make Biden's right. US wrong's don't make Russia's right. Thinking otherwise is beneath kindergarten morality. Most of us learned two wrongs don't make a right clear back then, but I guess some did not. So, they'll stand by their supreme dictator and excuse his evil on the basis that others are evil, too.

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Of course you should feel free to call it as you see it. But it is clear from your article and your response that you have difficulty seeing both sides honestly, which means Russia Russia Russia, I suppose. And everyone else must be a Putin stooge, how NYT-like :) Then you must also find Johnson/Ritter/Macgregor info not credible, and that a thoroughly corrupt, Nazi-driven, NATO-controlled Ukraine are actually heroic freedom fighters defending the Motherland? And that dastardly Putin has failed taking over Ukraine...even if the very publicly stated goals were never taking control of Ukraine (why bother), but the demilitarization and de-Nazification of their forces and govt, such as it is, along with the liberation of the Donbas. I assume the other Russian speaking areas will be next to leave (by likely 10-1 referendum, and dont get me started on our own obvious election fraud), but if choosing between all of Ukraine and a Nazi rump state with terrorists and missiles pointed at Russian citizens, then, hell, all of Ukraine it will likely be. And the world (and Ukraine, ultimately) better for it.

As for why the right grudgingly admires Putin, easy one - he is a strong nationalistic advocate for his own country and has brought them back from the brink to something much better, in the face of maximum resistance. Would that the US could ever elect someone as capable. Jailings? J6, anyone? Assassinations? Aww, gee, really? JFK? HRC's list? Or how about Obama's chef just recently? Politically, sometimes you gotta break a few eggs. I just think you would benefit from looking at this stuff objectively. Stalemate? MacGregor says 400k+ dead Ukies, 8/10-1 vs Russian dead, all of which would have been avoided but for NATO. You wanna refute a decorated US battle commander's info? NATO would give what testicles it has left for a stalemate, but there will be no Minsk 3. The US, as Lavrov says, is "not agreement-capable". So it will be on Putin's terms, total capitulation, and the world will see NATO as the paper tiger they are. Not expecting you'll agree, but maybe there are other valid points of view? And if you think the Nazi Ukies, the US and Britain are the good guys, you are IMO terribly misinformed...

...But hey!

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."

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Excellent debate, where you both make excellent valid points. But God only knows the truth.

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Sorry to hear about your plumbing issues. Will pray for you that all goes well.

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Thank you

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Do you do 20% off of subscriptions that renew sometime next year? Your astute commentary would be worth paying for in advance!

I especially appreciate your take down of price controls which, second only to the fascist underpinnings of our fiat monetary system, do more to destroy freedom and wealth than any other government intervention.

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Anyone who subscribes now gets 20% off a full subscription that will renew automatically at this same time next year. They will be sent a notice a few days before renewal in order to cancel renewal if they wish.

I am not certain what happens if someone who is ALREADY a subscriber clicks the special offer button. I THINK their subscription will have the discounted year that they buy now tagged onto the end of whatever is left of their current paid subscription. (I am not entirely certain of that, but I think I read that somewhere, though I cannot find it in Substack's support articles right now.)

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The Substack system does not seem to allow re-subscribing now. No biggie. I thought I'd try.

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Good to know. Thanks for trying.

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