There is NO DEFECT in my thinking. Name one Foreign Country that Putin /Russia has invaded since the break up of the old Soviet Union ?

You are full of shit - anfd I want you to UNSUBSCRIBE ME immedially you read this message. In my opinion you are seen as stupid & wrong. Not someone I want to discuss or learn from. FY !

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What a load of crap - especailly your illinformed comments re Russia. I stopped reading right there.

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Its been said that mark Cuban is now out of the markets. I would love to know if Michael Burry, Charles MacDonald, and Steve Eiseman (hope I spelled his name correctly), have gone to cash?? Gold?? Big Oil?? And Oh to be a fly on the wall of the Vampire Squid's strategy meetings. Bet they are short bonds, the dollar, medium banks, and ESPECIALLY commercial real estate. What's that olod Chinese curse : May you live in interesting times.?? I think the stock/bond bull market will last as long as the BLS can continue to lie through their teeth about inflation. Or until there is a truly catastrophic bond auctiion. Or until the Straits of Hormuz are blocked.

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I enjoy your writing...but can we all just give up the "Dastardly Putin Is Losing" schtick? Clearly that is not the case. And denigrating Putin puts you in the category with all the other Rusia Russia Russia idiots. Russia is winning bigly, is in no rush, and NATO is in deep trouble. Read Johnson/Ritter/Macgregor.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by David Haggith

Sorry to hear about your plumbing issues. Will pray for you that all goes well.

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Do you do 20% off of subscriptions that renew sometime next year? Your astute commentary would be worth paying for in advance!

I especially appreciate your take down of price controls which, second only to the fascist underpinnings of our fiat monetary system, do more to destroy freedom and wealth than any other government intervention.

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