You might consider spending 10 minutes of that "assembling and organizing" time in proofreading your articles for errors. I'm assuming that you're using a voice-to-text app which would explain the grammatical errors that continually show up in your articles? I understand that I'm being a bit nit-picky, but to me, it's simply a sign of the degradation of our society in general when we all decide that the little things that used to matter no longer apply. Technology is truly a double-edged sword.

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I know. Fair point as I hate how sloppy the writing on many sites has become, too, and I get disgusted when I go back and reread mine (AGAIN) after cramming for my AM deadline to find mine is turning out no better because I flew through the proofread as quickly as I could.

The problem is worse than voice-to-text. It's a Mac with a keyboard that is so worn out some of the keys are cracked; twelve are missing their letters entirely; one even has a hole through the top; and two are sticking, which autocorrect then changes to entirely different words. The computer is seven-years old, so too close to obsolete to be worth fixing.

That, and I'm always rushing in the early AM to get The Daily Doom out because I start at 5AM and still wind up finishing after 9AM PDT, working straight through for four hours. (After that, I take a break then go to work researching my Deeper Dive for the week or do an interview.) I may have to put the deadline or the number of headlines carried each day secondary to the proofing.

I've been waiting to replace the seven-year-old computer until I see whether enough Patrons stay on with support this week for me to justify continuing this venture because I can put up with the derelict keyboard if I'm just just reading the news for personal reasons and not doing much writing anymore.

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Great article. I would ammend it to say simply "Question Everything"! Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you!

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