Feb 8Liked by David Haggith

You are NOT alone! I have been following the gold and silver markets for 44 years (1980). I have seen those numbers SO manipulated it isn't even funny! They are the true enemy of fiat money!

Try to tell that to people in the stock market and you will be laughed at! We are being lied to every day by our so-called leaders!

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Author

For sure. I've always written that one big reason central banks own so much gold when they don't believe in it is so they can jigger its price whenever it threatens their own proprietary product. When you have a license to print all the nation's money, you can just throw off bags of gold like they are lead ballast to stabilize your own currency against the threat of gold.

Thanks for letting me know your perspective. It's just getting hard to trust any of the numbers they throw out when some of the manipulations have become so plain and still not a soul in the mainstream financial media ever takes any of it to task.

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Feb 8Liked by David Haggith

When the average "Joe Sixpack" finds out they have been lied to...WATCH OUT!

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Feb 8Liked by David Haggith

The article’s title describes exactly how I feel. Is everything so rigged that it’s just delaying the inevitable crash, or are we in a soft landing where I’m in denial??? When free market parameters are manipulated (ie stock market circuit breakers) it makes it tough to discern what is actually happening versus what SHOULD be happening. Smaller banks should have been dropping like dominos now, but it hasn’t happened. I can’t make heads or tails of any of it. The logic and analysis is the Daily Dooms and Deeper Dives make perfect sense, I just don’t understand why it’s not playing out the way the numbers are suggesting.

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I'm glad to know I'm not alone. Usually, I write so others will know they are not alone, but the apparent rigging is getting so bad it's hard to know if you have any good numbers to go by in CPI, GDP and jobs. I will keep doing my best to make sense of it and hope I am able to keep threading my way through the chaos. I do think it is playing out along the trends I've said we should expect from all of this but some of the big numbers like headline CPI and GDP just don't want to agree. Jobs have obviously been a broken indicator since 2020. I think some other measures the government used just don't work like they used to after the huge breakage from 2020 lockdowns either, but I'll keep trading my way through. And, of course, this is the slo-mo bursting of the Everything Bubble, not just your ordinary bubble, so we can expect that to be more chaotic than anything we've seen, too. I think in the end, the course I've laid out for how this falls apart will largely be vindicated; but, being an Everything Bubble, there are bound to be some big surprises that we've never seen before, too.

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