What part of "exponential" don't you boomers understand?

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We "boomers," who were raised to understand math, see things a little differently than some of you green twigs, who were raised on social studies, largely devoid of math. For example (from the article above and the line to which I THINK you are alluding):

"The massive pile-up of government debt at an EXPONENTIAL rate exceeded everything we have ever experienced"

"Exponential" growth is mathematically shown by a parabolic graph, which means the rate of growth is not a straight line slope upward and to the right (over time) but an increasingly steep slope over time (a steepening curve). If you look at the explosions in US debt, you see that it is on a parabolic path. I hope that helps you understand. Now, you might technically say that is a logarithmic path because it is not up by the power of ten per unit of time. In which case, I'd say you are technically correct but also just quibbling.

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I am speechless. Almost breathless. I want to forward this to the world. Unfortunately, I cannot even imagine anyone I know to whom I can. Anyone who will even begin this post, anyone who may appreciate me enough to at least start the reading but then put it aside ‘for later’ (never) because, of course, it ‘deserves’ more time or anyone who would make the effort to read but then deliberately stop reading because they will take it as an accusation. Realizing that at age 76 I have not actively found a (my) tribe makes me sad. But also shows me that I have a tangible goal in this new year. Thank you.

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It's good to hear from you, Pamela, and I appreciate the likes that you (and others) have been giving to articles as every little bit probably helps (and, of course, it's encouraging). It's always so hard to get the word to spread that I appreciate what people do via Facebook, Twitter, their own email chains, etc. to try.

I have never been able to find a tribe either, but I suppose that comes with thinking for oneself. It would be so much easier to just join one camp (or party), and then you'd have a large group of people who agree with almost everything you say so long as you stay within the party lines.

May your new year be blessed with strength and courage, solid friendships and health.

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Wow!!! That was awesome Dave. You did a great job and I agree with you 100%. I will share as best I can with my few friends. Just know that I'm with you brother 🙏.


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Thank you for sharing it, Chris. I hope others do as well. (Post it on twitter, Facebook or whatever).

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